Can you recognize this? Cool! It is bread. For most
of us bread forms an integral part of our daily kitchen menu or routine. We
love it for various reasons. Ease of use is the main factor. When I don’t have
time or whenever I’m at work a few pieces of luscious bread slices can be
pleasing and belly-filling for me.
Mothers like this because it gives then rather
quick opportunity to pack her children’s lunch boxes. Bread is also convertible
to numerous other recipes in an instant and it’s terrific combination with egg
makes it very easy and attractive.
Can you recognize this? Cool these are Buns.
Now, who doesn’t like buns. Easy to pop into the
mouth easy to send it down with a gulp of tea or coffee and so easily and
readily available! Children too like buns. Buns too can be converted to many
quick recipes instantly, burger is one of them!. The variety? God! Maybe there are
hundreds of varieties of such succulent eats basking themselves on food store
These delicacies may be foods of death.
Do you know that bone powder is use while kneading
the flour dough? If you don’t believe me then you can see some videos to give
you an idea. I have already told you earlier that bone powder may be used in
toothpaste but even I didn’t know that it can also be used in foods.
Here are the links
Video Two
Oh, well animal bones, so what? You might ask.
However, Friends, that’s not the end of the story. Bones can be obtained from
corpses too! Are you shocked? You ought to be, just like me when I came to know
this stunning fact. The significance of this statement is shattering. At least
I don’t want to eat a part of my fellow human being!
Take a look at this website and find out for
yourself whether what I have said may be a possibility or not?
The topic, If at allt is a joke than its OK. Incase
there is some fact in such a statement and some unscrupulous manufacturers are
resorting to such ways and methods than I would say it’s a crime towards
humanity. If I am eating such bread then I’m no less than a murderer!
I hope I've given you some food for thought.
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