Saturday, June 20, 2020

Magic Lamp

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On modern health tips especially on Immunity Development look up posts here

Monday, June 15, 2020

Hello and Welcome

Lets enjoy some rare insights

MONEY and Corona

The currency notes we use are undoubtedly the biggest carriers of the Corona virus. We have to pay using notes and we also have to accept notes returned to us by the merchant. You all know that currency notes circulate from one person to the other, hence the chances of the virus contamination is high.

I suggest some precautions you can take.

When you reach home you sanitize your hands and you also wash your hands. You should also take out your money, smart phone, handkerchief, credit card, papers or anything you may be carrying for cleaning. Put all the items on the table and run a hair dryer over them to give enough heat. Corona virus as you all know is susceptible to heat. You can also use an electric iron on your clothes or currency notes.

Friends, don’t take Corona lightly, a little precaution can save your life. You may also use sanitizer on the items but there is a chance that some corners may remain unsterilized.

Stay safe and be Happy!

The Great Media Failure

(Hindusthani mentality)


The Media has failed this time. Hindusthani mentality has won. I am quite impressed by the way our Media has been focusing on the Corona virus. The long, international and national, mathematical tables and the data on deaths and the infected are truly appalling and definitely mind boggling. However the Media has a great failure to its credit; they have failed horribly in keeping people at home or in lockdown. Hindusthani mentality has won again. “Merakyahogayaar?” and “Corona komarogoli” has reached so high proportions that mention of such fearless attitude should be at least recorded in Guinness.Hindusthanis have failed to realize the significance of the disease and its highly contagious nature.I am saying “Hindusthanis” because other countries, even Pakistan have behaved in a more mature and somber manner.

If I was the Media, than my message to all the people who are taking Corona lightly and moving about as if nothing has happened, will be a simple one.

“DearHindusthanis? I will die of Corona only after you and your family, but you can at least rest assured that I will be there to weep for you all!”

And one more thing, if you are calling yourself Hindusthani then what are you doing for Hindusthan?

Hello Bye Bye

Monday, June 1, 2020

Global Parents Day

Today is the Global Day for Parents and I want to express my hearty wishes to all Parents who have filled this World with beautiful children.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Happy Bio-diversity Day

Today is the day of bio diversity, but I'm sure many people do not know the meaning of the word Bio-Diversity and the reason why we have this annual day celebration.

Before we discuss further, just look at the photo above. Can you say what it shows? I'm sure you will say these are birds or insects. You are right. These are actually birds. They are a swarm of Starlings. Now, do you know how a Starling looks?

This is a Starling. A beautiful bird isn't it? Have you ever heard its call?

See this video

 Just listen to the Starling calls.For a moment you will imagine yourself amidst Nature. One more thing, In the top picture can you guess the number of birds/ Well, its a swarm of over 300 million Starlings. More than the entire people of the United States. That, my friends is the marvel of Nature. Hence bio diversity day is celebrated to enjoy the greatness and wonders of Nature.
On this special occassion I want you to realize how important Nature is for us humans.

Happy Bio-Diversity day


Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Hello and Welcome

Fenugreek (Methi Saag)

Family: Fabaceae
Nutritional Value per 100 gm
Energy: 323 Kcal
Carbohydrates: 58.35 gm
Vitamin C: 3.00 mg
Vitamin A 60 IU
Protein: 23 gm
Fibre: 24.6 gm
Fat: 6.40 gm
Sodium: 67 mg
Potassium: 770 mg
Calcium: 176.00 mg
Copper: 1.11 mg
Iron: 33.53 mg
Magnesium: 44.00 mg
Zinc: 2.50 mg
Mangnesium: 191 mg
Manganese: 1.228 mg
Phosphorus: 296 mg
Thiamine: 0.322 mg
Riboflavin: 0.363 mg
Niacin: 1.64 mg
Also contains traces of Folates, Pyridoxine, Selenium

Health Benefits
Reduces blood clotting
Good for Diabetes, helps body to utilize sugar and controls bold glucose levels. Supports body resistance to Insulin.
Relieves menstrual pains
Beneficial for nursing Mothers
Good for hair and skin
Enhances male fertility
Helps reduce LDL Cholesterol levels in blood
Good for hair

Warning: It is considered safe but use should not continue for over six months. A months rest will be beneficial.
Request a Free copy in the Comments


Revitalize your Immunity
(Vedic insight)

The recent outbreak of the Corona syndrome has left its impact in today’s World and has also taught us some ardent lessons in its dreary wake. The sad part of this story is that instead of proper guidance and advice, we are being flooded with various sorts of news and informations which are self-centered and difficult to authenticate.
In this book I have tried to focus on the problem of viral attack. Attack of virus, bacteria, free radicals and pathogens are not new for the human body. The human body in its course of evolution has always learnt to defend itself from such invasion. This in simple terms is the immune system of an individual which acts as the preventive shield against disease.
The Covid virus is not new, it has existed in our planet since times immemorial alongwith other deadly viruses like Sars, Swine flu, Bird flu, Ibola, Smallpox etc. Hence the question that arises is that what has made Corona so fearsome of late? The answer is our weakened immunology which has resulted from adulterated food, sub standard medicine and environmental pollution to name but a few reasons.
We ought to remember that even in the past; during ancient civilizations man has been fighting these menaces through the ages. What were the factors that helped men? What did they use? Considering the social and technological antiquity how could man cope up with such disease? How did they manage to vitalize their immune system?
Some answers are there in ancient texts which people have ruthlessly ignored assuming that old views are archaic and need to be abandoned. Most people are not aware of the fact that ancient civilizations were technologically more profound than in our recent world. The primary answer is to “bonding with Nature.” A technologically modern and advanced World will not advocate this “bonding with Nature” and I doubt seriously whether modern mindset can understand or visualize such a bonding.
Day in and day out, we are flooded with immune boosting workouts, lifestyles, recipes, food and drinks and of course millions of immune boosting medicines. However we need to be cautious. The immune system of human beings is so complex and extraordinary, that even today scientists cannot pinpoint strategies to develop immunity or to surmise immunology as a whole subject. It is not an overnight process that you take a booster pill and you become doubly immune next day. Human immunity develops slowly and it needs sufficient time and an admixture of natural elements, vitamins and minerals to make it healthy.
In this book I have analyzed the immuno-practices that have been elaborated in the Vedic sciences. I have recognized the need of “human bonding with Nature,” and I have tried to bring to light all factors that help in building a healthy immune system. How, why and whats are all answered in this book. One last clarification is necessary. People will ask me why I have not put my findings in the internet. The answer is obvious. I don’t want people to learn of my findings and portray the entire subject in a distorted way for illegal gains. So if you are really serious to revive your immune system then I want you to get access of this valuable book.
I want to give a copy of this book absolutely free to all who are interested. However if you pay the listed amount I will use it for the assistance of families around the World who have been devastated by disease and to those fellow human beings who are crying in hunger.

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