Tuesday, May 12, 2020

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Revitalize your Immunity
(Vedic insight)

The recent outbreak of the Corona syndrome has left its impact in today’s World and has also taught us some ardent lessons in its dreary wake. The sad part of this story is that instead of proper guidance and advice, we are being flooded with various sorts of news and informations which are self-centered and difficult to authenticate.
In this book I have tried to focus on the problem of viral attack. Attack of virus, bacteria, free radicals and pathogens are not new for the human body. The human body in its course of evolution has always learnt to defend itself from such invasion. This in simple terms is the immune system of an individual which acts as the preventive shield against disease.
The Covid virus is not new, it has existed in our planet since times immemorial alongwith other deadly viruses like Sars, Swine flu, Bird flu, Ibola, Smallpox etc. Hence the question that arises is that what has made Corona so fearsome of late? The answer is our weakened immunology which has resulted from adulterated food, sub standard medicine and environmental pollution to name but a few reasons.
We ought to remember that even in the past; during ancient civilizations man has been fighting these menaces through the ages. What were the factors that helped men? What did they use? Considering the social and technological antiquity how could man cope up with such disease? How did they manage to vitalize their immune system?
Some answers are there in ancient texts which people have ruthlessly ignored assuming that old views are archaic and need to be abandoned. Most people are not aware of the fact that ancient civilizations were technologically more profound than in our recent world. The primary answer is to “bonding with Nature.” A technologically modern and advanced World will not advocate this “bonding with Nature” and I doubt seriously whether modern mindset can understand or visualize such a bonding.
Day in and day out, we are flooded with immune boosting workouts, lifestyles, recipes, food and drinks and of course millions of immune boosting medicines. However we need to be cautious. The immune system of human beings is so complex and extraordinary, that even today scientists cannot pinpoint strategies to develop immunity or to surmise immunology as a whole subject. It is not an overnight process that you take a booster pill and you become doubly immune next day. Human immunity develops slowly and it needs sufficient time and an admixture of natural elements, vitamins and minerals to make it healthy.
In this book I have analyzed the immuno-practices that have been elaborated in the Vedic sciences. I have recognized the need of “human bonding with Nature,” and I have tried to bring to light all factors that help in building a healthy immune system. How, why and whats are all answered in this book. One last clarification is necessary. People will ask me why I have not put my findings in the internet. The answer is obvious. I don’t want people to learn of my findings and portray the entire subject in a distorted way for illegal gains. So if you are really serious to revive your immune system then I want you to get access of this valuable book.
I want to give a copy of this book absolutely free to all who are interested. However if you pay the listed amount I will use it for the assistance of families around the World who have been devastated by disease and to those fellow human beings who are crying in hunger.

Request a Free Copy: talestma@gmail.com or in the Comments section

Donate $ 2.00 at Paypal talesmarketing87@gmail.com

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